Customize the instructions format

For both the Beer Game and Lean Game, it is possible to adjust the way instructions are communicated to the participants.

You have 3 possibilities:

Option 1 (Default): Video shown by instructor and slides for players

First, the instructor can start an explanatory video from the Session follow-up page:

Then, once players have joined their role, they will see the classical in-game slides, giving them more details about the settings of their own role:

Option 2: Only slides for players

Choose this option if you don't want the video to be accessible from the Session Follow-up page. In this case, players will just have the classical onboarding slides when they join their role.

You can complement this with slides added to your own presentation, or 5-min of screen-sharing using the Observer mode, to show what the audience can expect on their screen.

Option 3: Video and slides for players

Choose this option if the game is played in an asynchronous manner (without the instructor to deliver live instructions). In this case, the onboarding video is present inside the slides players see when they connect to the game.

Option 4: Only Video by instructor - No player slides

If you don't have a lot of time for your session and you want participants to start playing as soon as they join, you can remove the onboarding slides by choosing the option "Video by instructor (no player slides)" in the session or template settings.

In this case, we recommend that you still show the explanatory video, to make sure the players have a minimum information before they start.

For more tips on how to deliver a great onboarding for players, read our complete article.

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