How to explain the rules of the game

Whether you are hosting the Lean Game or the Beer Game, there are several methods to deliver game instruction before the game starts. In this article, we will first list the different methods available to explain the rules, and then share our recommendation for each game.

The different methods to deliver game instructions

Explanatory video

For both the Beer Game and the Lean Game, we provide expanatory videos in English, based on the default rules of the game. Even if you have slightly customized the game, it can be an efficient way to describe how the game works.

The video can be started from the Session Follow-up page. You can show it to the participants by sharing your screen, before they have joined their role.

Find the video on the Session follow-up page

Link to the Beer Game video

Link to the Lean Game video

In-game slides

For the Beer Game and Lean Game, participants will see explanatory slides as soon as they join the first round of a session. The content of the slides that players see is adjusted to their role, to deliver the most accurate information.

Onboarding slides for the Beer Game and Lean Game

If the game is played in an asynchronous manner (without an instructor to deliver instructions live), it is possible to include the explanatory video inside the slides, so that students can watch it at their own pace when they start playing. To activate this, select "Video and slides for the players" in the Game instructions format session setting:

Finally, it is possible to customize the content of the first slide for each role, in the session/role settings. This allows you to integrate some custom instructions/scenario.

Powerpoint slides

We have developed explanatory slides that you can customize or integrate inside your own presentation:

Beer Game - Detailed explanation slides: here

Beer game - Detailed explanation slides in French: here

Lean Game - Default Session Template: here

Screen sharing in observer mode

For all our games, it is possible for you to go inside a game as an Observer and share your screen. This allows you to navigate around and show to the participants how the game looks. This can be useful if you have a very customized scenario, and the video we provide (see above) is too far from your own game.

Join one of the games as Observer from the Lobby and share your screen, to deliver specific onboarding instructions

Our recommendation

In most cases, we recommend that you show our explanatory video on How to Play by sharing your screen. This video can be accessed from the Session Follow-up page. Afterwards, when players join their role, they should also read the slides as this will give them the detail of the rules for their own role.

Check how to customize the placement of the onboarding video here

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