Limit in Number of Participants

In this article:

Cases with a Limit of Participants

Note that not all plans are concerned by a limit. If you purchased an Annual or a Conference Unlimited plan, you can host as many games as you like without worrying about the number of connected players.

In case of Conference Small, Medium or Large, a limit in the number of participants that can connect throughout the month applies. You can see how many participants are connect in the Subscription menu :

The app detects whenever a new player (a new web browser) connects to a role in one of your games. One person is then added to the list of connected players.

Note that if a player is already connected to a game and joins another one, for example another round, he is not counted twice.

The app recognizes that it is the same person, as long as the player uses the same web browser and doesn't clear his cookies.

What Happens When you Reach the Limit:

If you reach the maximum number of players included in your plan, new participants won't be able to join your games anymore :

To accept these additional players, you will need to purchase a new conference plan, which will reset your number of available seats.

If you need to perform a test session before your actual game, or if you need to update the number of players included in your plan, please contact us at: [email protected]

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